This vile human being, if he could be called a human being at all, left absolutely nothing to the imagination of his captives. Upon waking, the newest captive, kidnapped from wherever he had found her, would listen in utter horror to the explicate, horrifying recording that would explain the sexual torment she was about to experience and how she could keep herself alive by enduring and co-operating with whatever was about to befall her.
His chamber of sadistic sexual, emotional and physical torture was found however, and the authorities are certain that this repulsive demon of perversion was capable of the 40 – 60 torture-murders they believe he may have committed over the years.
When his ‘toy box’, a remodeled trailer that had been converted into a sound-proof torture chamber, was finally discovered, hundreds of horrific sex toys, torture devices and home-made implements to inflict pain, was proof enough to believe the 22 year old who had escaped after 3 days in the hands of this demon.
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