pic credit – murderpedia
4.) Gilbert Jordon
Gilbert Jordon was a barber. (A trade he’d learned in jail.) That’s how he earned the name ‘the boozing barber.’ Pretty clever. Add booze to a barber and ‘wha-la’, you get a serial killer. Well, not always. But in this particular instance, that’s exactly what you got.
Between 1965 and 1987, Gilbert killed least ten women, most from the Downtown East Side in Vancouver, British Columbia and mostly prostitutes. He would pay them to drink with him and for sex . And it was in exactly that order. (He only wanted drunken sex.) Jordon would take his ‘lady’ to a sleazy hotel or to his dilapidated barber shop and load her up on alcohol until she passed out. He would then use a funnel and a hose, that he crammed down her throat, and pour straight liquor into her body! Then he would rape her as she dying beneath him.
The authorities finally caught up with the Boozing Barber, as he was attempting to claim his next victim. The police entered the room to find Gilbert straddling an unconscious woman and forcing vodka down her throat. He was arrested and was given fifteen years for manslaughter. He served six. Gilbert Jordon was the first person to ever use alcohol as a murder weapon. He died in 2006.