Christine Adewunmi
The Babies Would Need Her
Crime Spree: March 17, 2012
Christine Adewunmi was so serious about killing herself that she researched how to commit suicide on the internet. Unfortunately she decided that she would have to take all three of the children with her. Even in death she would need to be near her beloved little girls.
Christine Adewunmi suffered with bi-polar disorder and depression. The family saw the struggle but also saw a loving, devoted mother who always made her children the top priority in her life. She was a stay at home mom who played in the yard with her kids, took them on outings and family vacations.
But the illnesses that she fought against became more than she could bear and decided she would admit herself to a hospital to get some help. But she didn’t make it that far.
On March 17, 2012, Christine waited until her husband had left the house. She loaded her three children into the family SUV and drove them to a dead end on a gravel road near a campground where she proceeded to shoot each one of them in the head. (Lauren – 8, Samantha – 6 and Kate – 3)

Christine Adewunmi
Christine then turned the gun on herself and committed the suicide she’d contemplated for so long.
Christine’s husband forewarned the authorities, when he called in a missing person’s report on Friday, after he returned home from work, that he feared his wife was suicidal. He said he had tried her cell 25 times but she would not pick up.
Leonard Adewunmi also confessed that his wife had, on two other occasions, taken the children and disappeared for hours. When he asked where they had been she had lied to him. But, when he asked the girls, they said they had been to a house beside the water.
The bodies were discovered on Saturday near Blue Springs Ranch next to the SUV with the deaths probably occurring on Friday.
The American Association of Suicidology explains that when women perpetrate murder-suicides, taking the lives of their children first and then their own, it is under the delusion that, even in death, the children will need her. And some may believe that they are actually protecting the children by killing them. The former is probably the case with Christine. What a wickedly horrible tragedy.

source: murderpedia
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