Joshua Wade
In June of 2014, both State and Federal authorities announced at a press conference that convicted killer Joshua Wade has admitted to three more murders in the state of Alaska.
In a plea deal, to escape the death penalty in 2010, Joshua confessed to killing three men. He admitted to killing 38-year-old John Michael Martin in 1994, when he himself was just 14 years old. He then confessed to the murder of 30-year-old Henry Ongtowasruk in 1999. The third murder he would claim was that of an unidentified male victim, presumably murdered on the same night that he (Joshua) had killed Della Brown.
Joshua Wade’s troubles seem to have started at the very begin of his disturbed life. By age ten he was constantly demonstrating an uncontrollable violent side with extreme aggressive behaviors. By age 12 he was well acquainted with the law for petty crimes and violence. He spent most of his younger years in and out of detention centers, being arrested and released for one crime right after the other. By 16, he was carrying a hand gun and by the of age 19, he was a full fledged felon.

Della Brown
The next year, at age 20, Wade violently raped and murdered a 33 year old woman named Della Brown. He smashed her skull to smithereens with a rock. The coroner testified that Della’s skull was so damaged it resembled a “bag of ice.” Her hair had been ripped from her skull and spent matches lay all about her decomposing body. She was left for days before being found on the floor of a shed.
Joshua Wade stood trial for the horrendous murder of Della Brown in 2003. But, he was found guilty only of ‘evidence tampering’ and was sentenced to 6 1/2 years in jail. It was determined that Brown’s body had been discovered several days earlier and many a wicked spectator would stand lighting matches to see the rotting corpse. However, no one ever called the authorities. It was decided that Wade had simply been another sick onlooker but made such a bold confession about the murder, that he did later recant, only to impress fellow hooligans.
In 2007, just months after his release, Wade stepped right back into his life of crime. His next victim was a woman he actually had a perverted sense of attraction to. It was his neighbor and a woman he often spent time spying on.

Mindy Schloss
In August, Wade abducted that neighbor, 52 year old, Mindy Schloss. Joshua broke into Mindy’s house and attacked her. He bound her with plastic zip ties. Leaving her tied and helpless, he raced back to his own house to grab his revolver. After returning to Mindy’s, he loaded her into her own car and left the premise.
Wade stopped several times to use ATM machines to rape Mindy’s bank accounts. Afterwards, he drove her deep into the woods and shot her to death, execution style. He later abandoned her car near the airport.
Her body was not be discovered for over a month.
Joshua Wade was immediately ‘a person of interest’ in the disappearance of Mindy Schloss. Witnesses had come forward to report Wade remarking that he wanted to have sex with Mindy.
Zip ties, matching those that were left on Mindy’s floor, were linked to Wade and canines detected Wade’s scent in the abandoned vehicle owned by Mindy.
At the sentencing for the murders of Mindy Schloss and Della Brown, Wade told the courts, “I deserve much worse.” In exchange for a transfer, he also admitted to the three other murders.
When Wade confessed to the killing of the, as yet, unidentified male, he said the man was also in the shed where Della’s body lay dead. Wade told officers that he knocked the man unconscious and put his body in the trunk of his car. Then he went out drinking. When he (Joshua) returned to the car he could hear the man pounding from within. Joshua said he ripped the man from the trunk, beat him to the ground and stomped on his head until he was dead. He returned the body to the trunk and drove out to the Wasilla area. He said he then used a shot gun to blast the man’s head off.
Wade was eventually transferred to a federal maximum security prison. But, Joshua Wade insisted, “I am not a serial killer.” The courts saw it differently and sentenced him to life.