pic credit – toronto sun
2. Clifford Olson
Clifford Olsen, who became known as the “Beast of British Columbia,” was finally caught and convicted of brutally murdering and mutilating 11 children in one of Canada’s worst killing sprees on record. And it only lasted eight months!
His first victim was discovered on Christmas in 1980. She was twelve years old. Her name was Christine Weller. Her body had been mutilated and her corpse dumped like garbage.
Over the next eight months, 10 more youngsters between the ages of 8 and 18 vanished into thin air. Police finally arrested Olsen as he was attempting to pick up two more young girls.
Realizing that he was never going to see freedom again, and understanding that his wife and children would be financially destitute, Olsen somehow managed to manipulate a judge into paying his family $10,000 for each of his murder victims that he would deliver (identify the dump site of the child’s corpse) into the authorities hands. His wife became $100,000 richer in a matter of weeks! WTF!?
Anyway, the scum bag was tossed into Kingston Penitentiary in 1982 and finally died of cancer at the age of 71 in 2011.