Jeremy Jones Serial Killer

Jeremy Bryan Jones
Born: 04-12-1973
Man About Town
An American Serial Killer
Crime Spree: 1992 – 2004
Incarcerated at the Holman Correctional Facility, Alabama
Jeremy Bryan Jones was born in Miami, Oklahoma in 1973. He is a convicted serial killer who murdered between 4 and 21 women. He operated in Kansas, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana. His modus operandi was his charm. According to his own confessions, he had already murdered eight people by the time he was 27. He considered himself a ‘lady killer’ and a real man about town. But he was also a monster who raped and murdered those who fell under his spell. He’d been charged with multiple counts of rape and battery and fled Oklahoma in an attempt to avoid going to prison.
The Tale of Jeremy Jones
Jeremy Jones always felt the law had it in for him. Even having the charges of two 1996 rapes, reduced to only probation and a sex-offender class, did not convince him otherwise.
Now it was December 2000. Jeremy was 27 and wanted in Oklahoma on yet another rape charge. So, he was on the run. He was now a fugitive. But Jeremy says he was fleeing from more than just the law. He says he was trying to change. He says he wanted to start a new life. The law says he was a serial killer looking for a new place to find prey.
A New Identity
As Jeremy fled Oklahoma on a greyhound bus, he had $3,000 and a new identity. He’d recently met the mother of a Missouri inmate in a bar in Joplin. He told her the system was sticking it to him again and somehow charmed her out of her incarcerated son’s social security number and other person information. Immediately Jeremy Bryan Jones ‘became’ John Paul Chapman and set his sights on Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
The Crimes of Jeremy Jones
After his arrest, Jeremy Jones sang like a canary. So much so that the authorities were sometimes confused between fact and fiction.
While he was arrested and charged with the 2004 slaying of Amanda Greenwell, 16, in Douglas County, Jones told detectives he also killed Tina Mayberry outside a Douglasville bar in 2002 and that he kidnapped, raped and killed Patrice Endres, 38, a hairdresser who disappeared from her Forsyth County hair salon.
Jeremy also claimed he killed three prostitutes in Mobile, Alabama, five in the Atlanta, Georgia area and another in New Orleans.
Amanda Ann Greenwell – Find A Grave
~Amanda Greenwell suddenly vanished from her residence in Douglasville, Georgia. One month later, her body was located just a few miles from her home. She had been beaten, raped and her neck was broken.
Eunice Martina “Tina” Mayberry – Find A Grave
~Eunice Martina “Tina” Mayberry, 38, left a Halloween party in Douglasville Georgia. Moments later, she staggered back in after being attacked. She had been stabbed repeatedly. Tina died a short time later at an Atlanta hospital.
Patrice Marie Tamber Endres – Find A Grave
~Patrice Endres, a successful hairdresser in Cumming, Georgia was abducted on Thursday, April 15, 2004. A massive search was launched, but Patrice was no where to be found. Remains were later found and identified as those of Patrice.
The Confessions
The tale Jeremy Jones told detectives goes back to 1992, when he said he stalked, tried to rape and then stabbed to death Jennifer Bryan Judd, a pretty 20-year-old newlywed, in her Baxter Springs, Kansas, apartment.
Jennifer Diane Bryan Judd – Find A Grave
~Jennifer was only 20 years old when she was found murdered in her residence in Baxter Springs, Kansas. She had just gotten married to Justin Judd, nine days earlier when she was found murdered in the duplex she was sharing with her new husband.
Unsolved Case Solved
Jeremy Bryan Jones went on to confess to an unsolved Oklahoma case in which a couple was found shot to death in 1999 in their burning trailer. Their 16-year-old daughter and her best friend were missing and to this day remain missing.
Jones told detectives he murdered the couple, kidnapped the girls, raped one, shot them both and dumped their bodies down abandoned mine shafts. Several searches of the area have produced nothing. The girls remain missing.
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A Real Charmer
Jeremy’s stay in Tuscaloosa was short-lived. A bounty hunter was tracking him, so he fled south to Mobile. There he met Mark Bentley, a home builder. Bentley didn’t really need the help, but Jones offered to work a day for free and Bentley ended up hiring him. He also let Jeremy stay at his trailer.
Bentley’s wife, Kim, says Jones was respectful and complimented her cooking. She thought Jones yearned for a sense of family. He talked endlessly about his little brother and mother, Jeanne Beard.
But Jeremy eventually fell out with the Bentley’s. He was often strung out on meth. Something Mark and Kim would not tolerate. He moved away to a motel, where he met Craig Baxter, a Douglasville man working temporarily in Mobile. The two became friends and when Baxter returned home, he left Jones a note: “If you’re ever in Georgia, give me a call.”
Jeremy Jones took Craig up on the offer two months later, in May 2002. He had been beaten up and needed cash. Baxter wired him $50. The next day, Jones, with stitches over his eye, appeared on Baxter’s doorstep. Craig let him stay in the basement.
Betty Boop
Jeremy Jones however gave Baxter’s wife, Jan, the creeps. He kept odd hours, said off the wall things that were derogatory toward women, didn’t pay anything into the household or rent and was constantly high. Craig finally put him out. He went to a neighbors, John and Kerry McIntosh, and cried about his plight.
John and Kerry were splitting up, so John let Jones stay with him. John got Jeremy a job at Young Refinery in Douglasville, where McIntosh was a manager. Jeremy, aka John Paul Chapman, passed a background check and was trained as a welder.
On Halloween 2002, Jeremy Jones headed to Gipson’s, a popular Douglasville tavern. Hours later, about midnight, a woman in a Betty Boop costume left Gipson’s to go to her car. Minutes later, Tina Mayberry staggered back to the bar. She had been stabbed repeatedly and died two hours later. No strong suspects were identified until Jeremy Jones told investigators he did it.
In early 2003, Jeremy brought home a woman from a bar. McIntosh said she left quickly. About 5 a.m., police called. She said Jeremy Jones had tried to strangle and rape her. John and Jeremy went to the station but the woman’s story was so inconsistent that nothing was done and Jeremy (John Paul Chapman) walked away, no more questions asked.
Finding Love
Jeremy Jones found Vicki Freeman at his favorite haunt, Gibson’s bar. He told her he’d been admiring her from afar. Their first date was dinner at the Olive Garden and a movie. By September 2003, “John Chapman” and Vicki moved into an apartment in Villa Rica. Jeremy was quick to introduce himself to all his new neighbors.
One evening not long after, Nita Godfrey and family were having a barbecue outdoors. Jeremy Jones invited himself in to say hello and introduce himself. A few afternoons later, Jeremy met Godfrey’s 18-year-old daughter, Brittney. This new neighbor knew so many personal details about her, that she became upset and asked her mother why she had told a perfect stranger so much about her. Her mother promised her she’d told him nothing. How he knew these things was beyond her.
Villa Rica police arrested Jeremy Jones in October of 2003 for allegedly exposing himself to Brittney Godfrey. She told police she was “scared of Mr. Chapman” because he repeatedly came to her apartment, turning the doorknob, trying to get inside.
The Slip Ups
Two months after the last botched arrest, Amanda Greenwell disappeared from Arbor Village, a mobile home park near Douglasville. Jeremy Jones and his girlfriend lived in a nearby trailer.
Amanda’s body was found a month later, in April 2004, in nearby woods. She had been stabbed and her neck was broken.
That same month, Patrice Endres, the Forsyth County hairdresser, disappeared from her shop. Jones later told detectives he got lost driving and happened upon her isolated business. He asked for directions, then took advantage of the situation. He said he kidnapped her and brought her to Douglas County, where he raped and killed her and then dumped her body by a creek. Her remains were finally discovered and she was properly placed to rest by her family.
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WickedWe Suggests:
a.k.a. Oklahoma
a.k.a. Oklahoma: Life of Serial Killer Jeremy Bryan Jones is the true story of a backwoods killer whose crimes were so brutal and heinous that he soon became likened to Ted Bundy.
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Back in Mobile
In September 2004, Jones saw an opportunity back in Mobile. Hurricane Ivan was coming and he figured there would be construction work when it was all over.
He drove to Mobile, and phoned Vicki back in Georgia. It was Friday, September 17, and Jones told her he had landed a job. She told him to get a place to live and she’d join him after that.
Lisa Marie Nichols – Find A Grave
Jeremy Jones made that call to his girlfriend with a phone belonging to Lisa Nichols, a 45-year-old woman who lived next to his old boss, Mark Bentley. Shortly afterward, Lisa was raped, shot and set on fire.
Two days later, Mobile County detectives arrested Jones. He phoned his mother from the jail. Authorities traced that call and finally discovered his true identity.
The TimeLine of Crimes
Law enforcement officials say Jeremy Jones’ path to becoming a serial killer started in 1992 with the stabbing death of Jennifer Judd in Baxter Springs, Kansas, then in 1996 with the shooting deaths of Daniel Oakley and Doris Harris, in rural Delaware County. Jones says he then drugged Justin Hutchings in Pitcher, Oklahoma in 1999. He died as a result of that action.
Three months later, Jeremy says he shot Danny and Kathy Freeman in Welch, Oklahoma and also shot Ashley Freeman and Laura Bible and dumped their bodies in Kansas.
He moved to Georgia and says he stabbed Tina Mayberry to death in 2002, followed by Katherine Collins in New Orleans who was strangled and stabbed in 2004.
A few months later, he says he also strangled and stabbed Amanda Greenwell in Georgia. The next month, he says he murdered Patrice Endres in Georgia. Then, a few months later, he shot and set on fire, Lisa Nichols in Alabama.
In The End
Police think there are even more bodies out there. “There are other cases that fit his profile, not just here, but everywhere he roamed.”
Federal and county officials say Jones was in the area of each crime and knew information that only someone closely involved could have known.
In 2005, Jeremy Bryan Jones was sentenced to death for the 2004 rape and murder of his 45-year-old neighbor, Lisa Nichols. That sentence was upheld in 2010 by the Alabama Appeals Court. ,
Jeremy Bryan Jones currently resides on Death Row at the WC Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore, Alabama.

Source: murderpedia | mycrimelibrary | thoughtco | |
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