Serial Killer’s Final Words

Famous Last Words
Kiss My Ass!
These were the last words of convicted serial killer, John Wayne Gacy Jr., AKA the “Killer Clown“.
John Wayne Gacy Jr. was convicted of the rapes and murders of 33 young men and boys between 1972 and 1978 in Illinois.
Gacy spent 14 years on death row before being executed by lethal injection in 1994. Before his execution, Gacy told his lawyers that his death “would not compensate for the loss of others and therefore the state was murdering him.”
He was dubbed the “Killer Clown” because he would dress as “Pogo the Clown” while doing charity work in his community or while entertaining children at parties.
Final Last Words
I’d like you to give my love to my family and friends.
These were the last words of convicted serial killer Theodore Robert Cowell, AKA “Ted Bundy.”
Ted Bundy was convicted of more than 30 kidnappings, rapes, necrophilia and murder between 1961 and 1978. The actual number of victims remains unknown but is assumed to be much higher.
Biographer Anne Rule wrote of Bundy, “he was a sadistic sociopath who took pleasure from another human’s pain and the control he had over his victims, to the point of death, and even after.” Bundy would sometimes revisited his crime scenes, grooming and performing sexual acts with the decomposing corpses until putrefaction. He decapitated 12 of his victims and kept the heads in his apartment as trophies.
Bundy once referred to himself as ‘the most cold-hearted son of a bitch you’ll ever meet.
“Ted,” Anne added, “was the very definition of heartless evil.” Ted Bundy was electrocuted in 1989.
I’m ready to be released. Release me.
These were the final words of Kenneth Allen McDuff, AKA the Broomstick Murderer.
Kenneth McDuff was convicted of murdering more than 14 men and women in a killing spree that would last from 1966 until he was finally, and for the last time, incarcerated in 1992.
Kenneth had, in 1966, kidnapped and killed three teenagers. The two young men, he shot, and the 16 year old female he raped and tortured for several hours. He then snapped her neck with a broomstick. He threw her body in the weeds then went for a soda.
He was arrested and charged for these murders and was sentenced to death. But, in a wicked twist of fate, he was paroled and released back into the mainstream of Texas.
And off he went again, wreaking mayhem, madness and murder one more time. Well…actually eleven more times, at the very least.
In 1992, a man recognized ‘a new co-worker’ in his company from America’s Most Wanted program on television and called the law. And he was right to do so. He had just turned in one of the most notorious serial killers that Texas had ever known. He was executed in 1998.
Final Last Words
He sang his own song, repeating the words –“none greater than thee, oh Lord”
He was known as the Gainesville Ripper. His name was Danny Rolling and he murdered four University of Florida students in 1990.
The killings began on August 24th. He broke into Sonja Larson and Christina Powell’s apartment and raped, murdered and mutilated them.
Christa Hoyt’s body would be found next, her torso propped up on her bed, her severed head on a shelf across the room. She was only 8 years old.
Two days later, Tracy Paules and Manuel Taboada, both 23, would be found.
DNA would link him to three more 1989 killings in Shreveport, Louisiana.
He was executed by lethal injection in 2006.
Hurry it up, you bastard, I could hang a dozen men while you’re fooling around. (he was screaming at the executioner who was preparing the noose)
Carl Panzram was just plain wicked. That’s all you can say about that.
At age 8, he was arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct! (WTF? Who the hell was raising this kid? I’m just saying.) At 11 he was burglarizing peoples homes and shops. He was sent to reform school for these crimes and that just pissed him off. So he burned the damn place down! (Dear stars this kid was mean!)
But, he wasn’t stupid! According to Carl, after that he proceeded to hone all of the criminal attributes learned while in both reform schools and, later, in prisons, and went forward to use this wicked knowledge against anyone and everyone who dared crossed his path. He was an unrepentant, incorrigible criminal with murder always on his mind. And he was heartless.
He once hired eight black men under the guise of hunting crocodiles. But instead of hunting croc’s, he (Carl) hunted them! He murdered them, via shooting, strangulation or beating their skulls in with a rock or iron bar. He sodomized their corpses and fed their dead bodies to the crocodiles. He once strangled a woman in New York just for the kill. (She wasn’t really his flavor, he liked to rape men.) On another occasion he rented a yacht and threw a party, inviting several sailors aboard with the lure of free liquor. He then drugged them, raped them at his leisure and tossed their corpses over board into the sea. And so the man continued, taking 20 more lives along the way.
He was arrested for a string of burglaries and sent to Leavenwood Prison. While there he murdered his last man, a laundry foreman, by bashing in his skull. He was sentenced to death by hanging.
Before his execution, Carl confessed to 21 murders, an uncountable number of felonies, and over one thousand acts of sodomy and torture. He said “for all these things, I am not the least bit sorry.”
No one was aware of any of Carl’s crimes until he confessed to them. He was hanged on September 5th 1930.

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