Evan Ramsey | Massacre

Evan E. Ramsey
Born: 02-08-1981
Bethel Regional High School Shooting
School Shooting
Crime Spree: February 19, 1997
Evan Ramsey was an Alaskan high school student who perpetrated a school shooting at Bethel Regional High School in Bethel, Alaska on February 19, 1997. He was just a sophomore. 16 years old. During the shooting, two people were killed and two others were wounded. He blamed the video game ‘Doom’ for his actions and the shooting. Evan Ramsey is currently serving two 99-year prison sentences but will be eligible for parole in 2066. He will be 85 years old.
The Story of Evan Ramsey
When Evan Ramsey was seven years old, his father was imprisoned after a police-standoff. In 1986 Evan’s father Don was nicknamed “Rambo of Alaska” after an incident in which he went to the newspaper’s office. He was armed with an .223 semi-automatic assault rifle and a .44 magnum revolver and over 200 rounds of ammunition. After a short stand-off, Don Ramsey surrendered and was imprisoned.
Evan’s mother quickly slipped into her alcoholism.
Then the house was set on fire.
The Ramsey family was forced to relocate and, not long after, the Anchorage Department of Youth and Family Services removed Evan, and his two brothers, from his mother’s custody. They were placed in foster care. Evan was soon separated from his older brother, John, and lived in eleven foster homes between 1988 and 1991.
Evan Ramsey and his younger brother, William were placed together and suffered abuse by several foster parents. William claimed that their foster brothers would pay other children to beat Evan as a sick game.
The boys were finally adopted when Evan was 10 years old. They settled in Bethel, Alaska with their foster mother. Through out it all, Evan suffered from depression and had attempted suicide by the time he was 10.
Evan Ramsey Suffered Daily
Evan Ramsey was constantly bullied at school. According to his friends, Evan complained of being harassed and teased by other students. Ramsey, who sadly wasn’t very smart, was often called names such as “retard”, “spaz” or “braindead”. Many addressed him as “Screech”, a character from the TV series called Saved by the Bell.

Reports say, in the two weeks prior to the incident, over 15 students knew of Ramsey’s intention to commit a school shooting and two actually assisted him. One student named James Randall, taught him how to use a shotgun, and another named Matthew Charles told him of the infamy that would come to him. Reports say that several students brought cameras to school on the day of the shooting, and that many students were watching the shooting from a library balcony overlooking the student commons area.
The Crime
On Wednesday, February 19, 1997, Evan Ramsey armed himself with a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun provided to him by friend James Randall and arrived at Bethel Regional High School by school bus. Ramsey approached the student commons area, brandishing the shotgun, and shot 15-year-old Josh Palacios in the abdomen, an immediate fatal wound. He had also shot and injured two other students. Reyne Athanas, an art teacher, entered the student commons area after hearing the gunshots. Athanas said she tried and failed to convince Ramsey to surrender. He then entered the main lobby, where he fatally shot principal Ron Edwards. Evan Ramsey then retreated to the student commons area, shooting once at police. Ramsey later placed the shotgun barrel under his chin, and reportedly said, “I don’t want to die,” and laid the shotgun on the ground and surrendered without further incident.
210 Years

Following his arrest, Evan Ramsey claimed that he did not understand his actions would kill anyone. His trial was delayed as prosecutors discussed whether Ramsey should be tried as a juvenile or as an adult. The decision came that Ramsey would be tried as an adult, and that his trial would be held in Anchorage. On December 2, 1998, Ramsey was found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder, three counts of first-degree attempted murder and fifteen counts of third-degree assault. Judge Mark Isaac Wood sentenced him to 210 years in prison. On appeal, however, his sentence was reduced to two 99-year prison sentences.
Evan Ramsey is currently being imprisoned at the Spring Creek Correctional Center in Seward and will be eligible for parole in 2066, when he will be 85 years old.
Source: wikipedia.or | thedailytelevision
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