David Williams / Murderer

David Russell Williams
Born: 03-07-1963
A Fetish For His Victims Panties
Canadian Double Murderer
Crime Spree: 2007–2010
Incarcerated at Port Cartier, Quebec Canada
David Williams was a highly decorated Colonel in the Canadian Military Forces.
He was also a decorated pilot who flew such dignitaries as Queen Elizabeth II, the Prime Minister of Canada, the Governor General and Prince Phillips.
But, evidently, no one realized just how decorated he truly was.
The true facts about Colonel David Williams were ultimately revealed, to the world, in February of 2010, when he was charged with two counts of first degree murder, two counts of forcible confinement, sexual assault, breaking and entering and 82 separate charges related to those break ins.
The Arrest of Colonel David Williams
Jessica Lloyd, 27, had vanished on January 28, 2010. Investigators identified distinctive tire tracks left in snow near her home. One week after her disappearance, the police conducted an extensive canvassing of all motorists using the highway near her home from 7 pm on February 4, 2010, to 6 am on the following day, looking for the unusual tire treads. Colonel David Williams was driving his Pathfinder that day, rather than the BMW he usually drove, and an officer noticed the resemblance of his tire treads. These were subsequently matched to the treads near Lloyd’s home.
On February 7, 2010, David Williams was called by the OPP in Ottawa and asked to come in for questioning. He assumed it was concerning a different and agreed to get himself to the station. He would come quickly to understand upon his arrival that that was not the case. This particular conversation would all about him. During the next 10 hours, Colonel David Russell Williams, decorated Military Pilot would confess to the numerous crimes of which he was later convicted.
The Crimes of David Williams
The charges against the colonel took 36 minutes to be read out to a silent courtroom.
To the first count of murdering Marie-France Comeau, a flight attendant who worked at his air force base, he pleaded in a clear voice: “Guilty, your honor.” To the second count of killing Jessica Elizabeth Lloyd, his guilty plea was barely audible.
Crown attorneys then took turns revealing the full extent of David Williams’ depravity, evidence that left family members of victims covering their eyes and gasping.
By day, David Williams was the commander of Canada’s biggest air force base, CFB Trenton. By night, he broke into homes, taking pictures of himself modeling the bras and panties of little girls.
He escalated quickly, from fetish break-ins, to sex assaults with no penetration to rape and murder. He meticulously logged his crimes, kept track of police reports of his crimes and left notes and messages for his victims. “Merci,” he thanked a 12-year-old in a typed message on her computer.
“Merci beaucoup,” is what he captioned a souvenir photo he took (of his penis strapped to a sex toy he stole from a 24-year-old Ottawa victim in June 2008).
Sex Tapes and Murder
They learned that David Williams made a video of his brutal beating and asphyxiation of Marie-France Comeau after breaking into her home on November 24, 2009. David also made sex tapes of Jessica Elizabeth Lloyd after kidnapping her the night of January 28, 2010, taking her to his cottage in Tweed, raping and torturing her for at least a day before dumping her corpse in a field.
They learned that Williams, 47, had pedophile tendencies, stealing underwear of girls as young as 9 years old during the 82 fetish home invasions and attempted break-ins between September 2007 and November 2009. He broke into 48 different homes in the Belleville-Tweed area and Ottawa. One, he hit nine separate times. And he was good at it.
Sixty-one of the 82 break-and-enters went either undetected or were not reported. He targeted homes where attractive women lived, but as is disturbingly evident in photos of him naked and masturbating in young girls’ rooms, he had other tastes as well.
Photos and Panties
David Williams took “thousands” of pictures of his crimes, all of which he kept on his computer. The court saw numerous pictures of Williams dressed in the panties and bras he stole, often lying on the beds of his victims, masturbating.
There were photos of him wearing the stained pink underwear of a girl under what looked like his air force issued pants. Morrison suggested Williams might have worn the stained pink panties to work at the base he commanded.
There were photos of him lying in beds surrounded by the stuffed toys and panties of little girls, or of him wearing negligees and camisoles.
On New Year’s Day 2008, David broke into a home in the Ottawa neighborhood where he lived and sprayed semen on a 15-year-old girl’s dresser. He then took a picture of himself with the girl’s make-up brush touching his penis.
The Modeling Ritual
Throughout most of the day, Colonel Williams sat with his head bowed, looking up only when the video screens displaying pictures of himself in women’s lingerie were posted.

There was a pattern to the photos he would take during a break-in: He would first photograph the bedroom of his victim, then the underwear in her dresser. He would then arrange the lingerie neatly on the bed or floor, before modeling them and ejaculating. Another ritual was to turn his back to the camera and peer back over a shoulder. There were also many close-ups of his penis, protruding from the women’s underwear.
David Williams collected hundreds of panties and bras from his break-ins. So many in fact that twice he had to to relieve himself of a few. He took some of his “trophies” to a field in Ottawa and burned them. He kept the photographs, though, and hid them on hard drives he stored in the ceiling above the basement of his Ottawa home.
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The Fetish Burglaries of David Williams
There were four crown attorneys in court, and it soon became clear why so many were asked to speak. The reading of the facts against David Williams took such time that voices croaked before handing over the task to another.
The court heard of Williams’ chilling escalation from fetish burglaries, to sex assault and finally murder from September 2007 to January 2010. On July 10, 2009, he was at a neighbor’s house in Tweed, which he would eventually break into nine times. This was his sixth visit.
At 1:30 a.m., he watched as the young woman stripped and stepped in the shower. Williams stripped naked, broke into her home, walked to her bedroom and stole her panties. “He admitted that at this point he wanted to take more risks,” Morrison said.
In another escalation, he hoped to watch a teenager undress, and while waiting outside her window, stripped naked in the bushes and masturbated.
Near the end of the first, long day of facts, crown attorney Burgess turned the attention to the first of two sex assaults, in September 2009, near Williams’ Tweed cottage. The victim, known as Jane Doe, is suing Williams and over the incident. He broke in while she and her newborn baby slept.
He beat her, bound and blindfolded her with pillow cases and fondled her while taking pictures of her naked. Two hours later, he left.
Family and Friends Not Spared
David Williams’ first known break in was September 2007, when Williams invaded the home of his next door neighbor on Cosy Cove Lane. He was friends with the family. They would have dinner together and go fishing. He broke into their home three times.
One of the photos shows David Williams lying naked on the bed, masturbating with a red pantie believed to have belonged to his neighbor’s young daughter. Fourteen of the photos he took that night show him “with his penis protruding from (stolen) underwear.”
As the photos flashed on the screen, a family member of the Cosy Cove victim sobbed at her seat in the courtroom. She left the courtroom during a break and didn’t return.
On Nov. 1, 2007, David Williams broke into the home of another neighbor on Cosy Cove Lane. He spent at least two hours taking photographs in a bedroom. “Here, Mr. Williams is kneeling on a bed wearing a camisole, with his penis in his hand,” Morrison told the court, describing the picture on the screen. “There are many similar photos.”
Morrison often noted Williams’ “obsession with organizing the items he stole,” first taking pictures of the whole stash he stole, and then taking pictures of each item individually. “This is a process he carried out over and over again,” Morrison added.
Reopening Cold Cases
Hours after the announcement of Williams’ arrest, police services across the country reopened unsolved homicide cases involving young women in areas where Williams, a career military man, had previously been stationed. According to news reports, police began looking at other unsolved cases based on a full statement that Williams gave to police.
The Aftermath
Colonel David Russell Williams was stripped of his commission, ranks, and awards. His severance pay was terminated and his pay was seized. His uniforms were burned, his medals were destroyed and his vehicle was crushed and discarded. His bio was immediately removed from the Department of National Defense website. He had become an instant embarrassment to the crown, his service comrades, his family, friends and community. Not to mention his country.
David Williams received two life sentences. (At least someone will appreciate his choice in panties now!)
I’m just saying…..

source: murderpedia | Wikipedia | youtube
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