Bethel Regional High School Shooting | Evan Ramsey | 1997

16-year-old student Evan Ramsey killed Bethel Regional High School principal Ron Edwards and 15-year-old student Joshua Palacios and wounded two other students. After a brief shootout with a responding police officer, Ramsey decided to surrender. He was reportedly assisted by several students in learning how to shoot and many knew about the shooting plans in advance.

On Wednesday, February 19, 1997, Evan Ramsey armed himself with a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun provided to him by friend James Randall and arrived at Bethel Regional High School by school bus. Ramsey approached the student commons area, brandishing the shotgun, and shot 15-year-old Josh Palacios in the abdomen, killing him at once. He then shot and injured two more students.

Reyne Athanas, an art teacher, entered the student commons area after hearing the gunshots. Athanas said she tried and failed to convince Ramsey to surrender. He then entered the main lobby, where he fatally shot principal Ron Edwards.

Evan Ramsey then retreated back to the student commons area, shooting once at police. Ramsey later placed the shotgun barrel under his chin and reportedly said, “I don’t want to die. ” He laid the shotgun on the ground and surrendered without further incident.

He was later sentenced to 198 years in prison.

READ MORE about Evan Ramsey and the Bethel Regional High School Shooting

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source: wikipedia.or | thedailytelevision

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