Death Angel: The True Story of Serial Murderer Charles Cullen

Death Angel is the true story of male nurse, Charles Cullen, who was in fact one of the most prolific serial killers in American history. For 16 years this man worked in New Jersey and Pennsylvania establishments, leaving dead bodies in every institution that ever unwittingly employed him.

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The title alone already conjures visions of hospital horrors. Gaunt and ghostlike, Charles Cullen was a lifelong misfit who quietly, almost invisibly, became one of the most prolific medical serial killers in U.S. history.

Over the course of sixteen years, he walked the hallways of hospitals and nursing homes where he worked as a nurse, ‘ministering’ to the elderly and other gravely ill patients in critical care units.

This self-appointed, suicidal, grim reaper played a cruel game of who lives and who dies, independently deciding which of his patients would live to see another day and which one would not see the day come to a close. (Amazon)

READ MORE on Charles Edmund Cullen at


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