Killed at least 13 women between 30 October 1975 and 17 November 1980. Most victims were killed by a combination of bludgeoning and stabbing, and all but two were killed in the county of Yorkshire. Owing to the modus operandi and location of the murders, Sutcliffe became known as the ‘Yorkshire Ripper.’ Sentenced to 20 concurrent life sentences. After three years he was sent to a secure psychiatric facility, where he served 25 years before being found ‘fit to leave’ in 2009. Government officials and courts ruled in 2010 that he would never be released. In 2015, he was declared ‘no longer mentally ill’, and transferred to a maximum security prison. After his 1981 conviction police investigated 60 unsolved murders and attempted murders across Britain they thought Sutcliffe could be responsible for, but were able to eliminate him from 40. Sutcliffe died in hospital on 13 November 2020 at age 74, after being diagnosed with COVID-19.

Methods of Execution
Psychology of Murder
Infamous Serial Killers
Just Plain Insane
Kids That Kill


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