Randy Stair
The Weis Markets Massacre
An American Mass Murderer
Crime Spree: June 7, 2017
Randy Stair was a mentally ill, 24 year old who lived in Dallas Pennsylvania. At approximately 11:00 p.m. on June 7, 2017, Randy arrived at Weis Markets for his late-night shift. Upon entering the building, Randy quietly blocked an emergency exit near the building’s crew area. Then, for the next ninety minutes, he made his way from exit to exit throughout the store blocking those as well.
The Murders
Randy then went about his duties, stocking shelves and cleaning up from the previous day. At 12:10 a.m., however, he sent out links to multiple files and videos which detailed his plans via his Twitter account; these files were labeled “Journal”, “Suicide Tapes”, and “Digital set”.
Randy Stair then went back to the crew area in the rear of the store, blocked the remaining exits, and locked the automatic doors at the entrance to the store. He then pulled out two pistol grip pump-action shotguns and walked around the store, killing three employees—Victoria Brong, Brian Hayes, and Terry Lee Sterling.
Randy then approached another coworker, Kristan Newell, who had not heard the shooting. She had been listening to music with headphones on while she was labeling items and stocking shelves near the rear of the store. Randy Stair was seen on CCTV surveillance camera footage standing behind Newell as she worked for about five seconds before she proceeded, completely unaware of what had taken place around her, to the next aisle.
Randy Stair

Randy Stair then moved in the opposite direction and proceeded to fire at a glass object and other merchandise in the store, He also shot multiple small portable propane tanks, but they failed to explode. Around this time, Miss Newell took off her headphones. Hearing the gunshots, she ran to the crew room and called 9-1-1.
After a short time, Stair finished shooting items and walked to the deli section of the store. There he placed the shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. A total of 59 shots had been fired. All of the shotgun rounds fired came from only one of the two shotguns he brought. Randy stated in his fifth “Suicide Tape” that the second shotgun was only for backup in case the first one “breaks down or jams, and he has no way of fixing it.” He said he needed at least one of the shotguns to be functional in order to commit suicide.
Randy was dead before police arrived at the supermarket, but he left behind online videos and writings in which he praised the 1999 Columbine High School shooters, among other things. A search of his home turned up seven boxes of 12-gauge shotgun ammunition, shooting goggles, ear protectors, a shotgun buttstock and an owner’s manual. State police also took two notebooks, his drawings and cartoons, external hard drives, a flash drive, a computer and a camera. Recordable discs labeled “Good Bye,” ”Interview Spring 2014″ and “EGS Intro,” as well as five unmarked discs and one marked with illegible writing were also placed into evidence.
The Suicide Message of Randy Stair

In a video message to his parents, Randy said he thought about death for years and never imagined he would live passed his 20’s. He spoke of the time when he’d thought of jumping from a high rise building when they where all on vacation together. Looking straight into the camera, Randy talked about his obsession with a Nickelodeon cartoon character named “Ember” and said that in 2013 he started cross-dressing, “which is something you never knew I did,” he told his parents. He said he would dress as a woman on Wednesday nights, when his parents went bowling, and secretly wanted a sex change operation. “I was just a female soul trapped in a man’s body my whole life,” he said.
Randy Stair expressed a similar sentiment in a journal entry dated Monday, adding that he was ready to die.
“The girl in me is clawing to get out,” he wrote. “62 more hours.”
His online pseudonym Andrew Blaze also wrote: “I’m a girl that’s been trapped in a man’s body for two and a half decades and I need to get out. I don’t belong on this planet, nor have I ever. I need to die and I’m taking whomever I can down with me.”
Source: Wikipdia
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